A Blogger is Born…

Darlings, welcome to my life…

It’s not a fabulous life, but one I try to fill with family, friends, style and experiences I will be happy to look back upon when I’m old and grey. (Just kidding, anyone who knows me knows I’ll never let myself go grey…)

I own GemmaDarlingDesigns, a small business in New Jersey that I initially set out to build as a handmade jewelry company, but which slightly expanded into making handmade wedding invitations and paper accessories. I sell jewelry on Etsy and seem to find most new clients by word of mouth. I’m a one-man show, so it’s a lot of work building a brand and making the product by hand, but I love it!

GemmaDarling has become sort of an alter-ego for me… not in a Peter Parker or Clark Kent sort of way… but more of a persona I’ve adopted to express my creative side. GemmaDarling makes jewelry, designs invitations, loves to crochet and throw parties! Sometimes her mood is more Audrey Hepburn and sometimes it’s more Pat Benatar! She’s almost always got a camera of some sort in her hand and can often be seen attempting to find beauty in the everyday. Pretty much, she’s who I would be if I were independently wealthy and didn’t have to worry about the real world. But alas, I am not , so I use her as an escape.

Like most new small businesses ( I can only assume) , my friends are my best clients! As they’ve all started to find Mr. Right, they honor me by inviting GemmaDarling to help style their wedding accessories… but much more importantly, their support as I venture into being a small business owner has been invaluable. At a time when I didn’t think I was capable of anything, my friends helped me to believe in myself once again… GemmaDarlingDesigns wouldn’t exist without them.


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